Bennett MJ; Grupstra CGB; Da-Anoy J; Andres M; Holstein D; Rossin A; Davies SW; Meyer-Kaiser KS. 2024. Ex situ spawning, larval development, and settlement in massive reef-building corals (Porites) in Palau. Invertebrate Biology.
Veglia AJ; Rivera Vicéns RE; Grupstra CGB; Howe-Kerr LI; Correa AMS. 2024. vAMPirus: A versatile amplicon processing and analysis program for studying viruses. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Grupstra CGB; Gómez-Corrales M; Fifer J; Aichelman HE; Meyer-Kaiser KS; Prada C; Davies SW. 2024. Integrating cryptic diversity into coral evolution, symbiosis, and conservation. Nature ecology & Evolution.
Howe-Kerr LI; Knochel AM¹; Meyer MD; Sims JA¹; Karrick CE; Grupstra CGB; Veglia AJ; Thurber AR; Vega Thurber RL; Correa AMS. 2023. Filamentous virus-like particles are present in coral dinoflagellates across genera and ocean basins. The ISME Journal.
Howe-Kerr LI; Grupstra CGB; Rabbitt K¹; Conetta D; Coy S; Klinges JG; Maher R; McConnell K; Meiling S; Messyasz A; Schmeltzer E; Seabrook S; Sims J¹; Veglia A; Thurber A; Thurber RV; Correa A. 2023. Viruses of a key coral symbiont exhibit temperature-driven productivity across a reefscape. ISME Communications.
Grupstra CGB; Howe-Kerr LI; Van der Meulen JA¹; Veglia AJ; Coy SR; Correa AMS. 2023. Consumer feces impact coral health in guild-specific ways. 2023. Frontiers in Marine Biology.
Grupstra CGB; Lemoine NP; Cook CN; Correa AMS. 2022. Thank you for biting: Dispersal of beneficial microbiota through "antagonistic" interactions. Trends in Microbiology.
Shore A; Sims JA¹; Grimes M; Howe-Kerr LI; Grupstra CGB; Doyle SM; Stadler L; Sylvan JB; Shamberger KEF; Davies SW; Santiago-Vázquez LZ; Correa AMS. 2021. On a Reef Far, Far Away: Anthropogenic Impacts Following Extreme Storms Affect Sponge Health and Bacterial Communities. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:608036. DOI:
Grupstra CGB; Rabbitt KM¹; Howe-Kerr LI; Correa AMSC. 2021. Fish predation on corals promotes the dispersal of coral symbionts. Animal Microbiome 3:25. DOI:
Ziegler M* & Grupstra CGB*; Barreto MM; Eaton M; BaOmar J; Zubier K; Al-Sofyani A, Turki AJ; Ormond R; Voolstra CR. 2019. Coral bacterial community structure responds to environmental change in a host-specific manner. Nature Communications 10 (3092). DOI:
Posbic Leydet K; Grupstra CGB; Coma R; Ribes M; Hellberg ME. 2018. Host‐targeted RAD‐Seq reveals genetic changes in the coral Oculina patagonica associated with range expansion along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Molecular Ecology 27(11), pp 2529-2543. DOI:
Grupstra CGB; Coma R; Ribes M; Posbic Leydet K; Parkinson JE; McDonald K¹; Catllà M; Voolstra CR; Coffroth MA. 2017. Evidence for coral range expansion accompanied by reduced diversity of Symbiodinium genotypes. Coral Reefs 36(3), pp 981-985. DOI:
Rädecker N; Pogoreutz C; Ziegler M; Ashok A; Barreto MM; Chaidez V; Grupstra CGB; Ng, YM; Perna G; Aranda M; Voolstra CR. 2017. Assessing the effects of iron enrichment across holobiont compartments reveals reduced microbial nitrogen fixation in the Red Sea coral Pocillopora verrucosa. Ecology and Evolution 7(16), pp 6614-6621. DOI: